Code Enforcement
Tony Levesque is the Town of Easton’s Code Enforcement Officer and Plumbing Inspector. Tony works full time for the Town of Fort Fairfield and you can reach him at 207-472-3805.
Jim Gardner is the Town of Easton’s Alternate Code Enforcement Officer and Plumbing Inspector. Jim, Easton’s Town Manager, can be reached at 207-488-6652 or 207-488-7706.
The Town of Easton is responsible for administering the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance. Any construction within 75 feet of any stream requires permitting.
The Town subdivision and site design plans are as required by the State of Maine.
The Code Enforcement Office is also in charge of septic system permits and plumbing permits required by the State of Maine.
To view the Floodplain Management Ordinance for the Town of Easton, click here.
To view the FEMA FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map for the Town of Easton, click here.
Additional Links
Maine Department of Environmental Protection – Shoreland Zoning Section